關於山杰About Shan Jie

專業 熱誠 服務

山杰有限公司(Shan Jie Co.)在台中地區服務近16年目前位於台中市豐原區,廠區為2000平方公尺半自動化廠房,先進的帶電噴槍技術,提供了大小金屬物件的客製化塗裝服務,且加工的品項超過上萬種,包括運動器材、金屬板金、金屬建材與家具五金等多樣領域,加工經驗相當豐富。除此之外,我們也提供烤漆物件需要耐熱超過500℃的產品加工。經塗裝後的產品則銷往北美、歐洲、日本、中國大陸、南韓、印度等多個國家。山杰有限公司致力成為產業中技術領導者、製造領導者、以服務為導向為主,成為我們客戶長期且值得信賴的技術及產能提供者。

Shan Jie Coating Company has served in Taichung more than 10 years. Shan Jie Factory in Fengyuan District is a semi-automatic 2000 square meter factory. We provide the customizable service for your metal surface treatment. In addition, we have processed more than 10000 items such as Fitness Equipments, Sheet Metal Products (Machinery), and Construction Metal Materials etc. Especially, we provide the heat resistant painting, which could be over 500 ℃. All items are sold to North America, European, Japan etc, all over the world. Shan Jie goes forward to be a leader in powder coating technology and manufacturing as well as to become the most dependable technical provider and stable capacity supplier.





